Okay for single player, great for multiplayer and just plain awesome for online play! One of the greatest wii games yet!

User Rating: 9.7 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
In the single player mode it's okay. The coms however are all too easy in the fire cup (first cup), Perfect match in the crystal cup (second cup) and Difficult yet still fun in the striker cup (third cup). If you did not get the first one it's good that they have the tutorial. My favorite two modes are obviously the online mode, and free play (domination mode). In Domination you can face either coms or others at your house. Multiplayer is so much more fun because they put up more of a challenge than coms, unless you make them way too hard. But none of these compare with the online play.

By having a Mii in your Mii channel you are able to log on where you can face everyone else who is on. You are ranked by wins losses and points and you get points by what you do. Challenge someone or ask for a challenge, either way it's fun! However, if you don't have wi-fi (wireless internet connection) or it is slow, you will have very poor playing time with lagging, freeze like lagging, and even losing connection, which i know from experience since my laptop just had a meltdown and lost half of its memory. But if you have good connection to your wi-fi, this is a perfect game for you.