Excellent Multi-Player, but the Single player is nothing to brag about.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
This game is a great improvement on the last Game. It has Excellent multi-player both at home with your friends, and online against people who you don't know. This game has controls that are easy to work with, and easy to remember. The variety of captains is better, along with the new ability to use different team-mates. There are a few things that just dont belong, for example. the computer AI, it is just plain annoying, I was playing in a single player tourney, and i went undefeated through the tourney (and un-scored upon) and then i get to the championship and i got massacred loosing both games in the series. I understand games are supposed to be hard, but that is just ridiculous. Another thing that some people find cool, and others find horrible is the fact that you can score up to 6 goals with one shot. I dont like that at all, it is way to cheap, you can be up 5-0 with 30 seconds left in the game, and then 5 seconds later you find out your loosing 5-6 and you just can get those last goals for the win......very annoying. Those were my major complaints about the game.
The game does have its pro though, for example, i like how crazy the game can get with tons of items flying around the field, it makes for a more interesting game. Another great feature to the game would be it online multi-player, which worked very well, as long as you dont play on a connection any worse than 3 stars you're in good shape. but there is some unavoidable problems while playing online, like annoying dis connectors, people who turn their game off when they start losing. Yes we've all seen em' if you've played online for about a week, or so. And there is nothing you can do to stop them, so it get horribly annoying. But after taking a very broad look at the whole game it is a great game that nobody with a wii and the ability to go on-line should ever pass up.