Fun for a little while by yourself. Online is lacking.

User Rating: 6.5 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
Total letdown, let me clarify that statement. Total letdown for the online multiplayer. It is an okay game to play by yourself or with your friends at home. But, the online experience is another story. You will either find yourself extremely aggravated or questioning your morals as a cheater while you are playing. The reason is because of a built in trait that certain characters possess the ability to teleport past the goalie into the goal allowing them to score with incredible ease (somebody in game development missed that). I understand that this is built into the game but COME ON! Why do you have to play with charachters that are so cheap it changes it from being a fun soccer game to a button mashing crapfest? I know, this review is more of a rant and an opinion so take it as you will. But, if Nintendo offered a download that fixed those glaring, game changing, aggravating glitches, the game would be great. As is though, it is fun at home for a while, but the novelty wears off without a great online experience.