This game ranks a 7.2 on my scale, with the reason being short single player gameplay ,but great multiplayer is included
THE GOOD: -great fun to be had -wide cast of characters to choose from -great graphics as far as the wii goes -great multiplayer -great controls consider the lack of button options from time to time on the wii -Goalkeeping minigames add alot of fun
THE B AD: -storyline is too short and too challlenging -Motion controls aren't as responsive as you would like -not much fun to be had with singleplayer -A create-your-own tournament would be much apreciated and fun -Online play although ,a good feature, can sometimes be complicating! Overall Rating:7.2
Mario strikers charged is one of the first games released for the Wii and the first for online play.It is also one of the first mario games for the Wii.It suprisingly adds depth to the game that most people woudnt see.However,the tournament mode feels short and goes from Easy-Hard too fast.
The gameplay is fast and action packed.Its more than shooting,passing and tackling.It all starts before the whistle.You pick your captian,and based on his skills,pick 3 sidekicks.You could support his prominient skill ith players of the same attribute or balance the team out with ones completly different.Certain Sidekicks have their special skills and shots.Some shots,although weak,sedate the keeper into stopping for an open goal.Some go and sneak past the keeper, whilse some are very powerful and some are just downright wacky!
The tournament starts with the fire cup and you being a black hose.As you progress,you get news updates and points.At the end,the most goals are awarded with the golden boot,and the least conceded with the brick wall.The overall winner of the table faces the holder for the cup.Once you beat him, its on to the crystal cup and so on with 1 more cup.This is very short and shallow and feels like it insists more towards multiplayerness.Then theres the challenges, with stipulations and situations,like a dazy keeper or a cup on the line.these are fun but with 12 feel like this is a soccer knock of Wii sports,with Mario included.
Overall,this game is not bad,but buy only hen you have min.3 mario/soccer crazed friends!