Mario Superstar Baseball is a fun game, especially in multiplayer, but you need the patience to get used to it.

User Rating: 7.3 | Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball GC
When I first got this game, I obviously did practice mode first to get used to the controls so I wouldn't get frustrated in story mode right away. Practice mode was fine and easy, but it doesn't get you used to the "real" game situation. But after a while, you get used to the speeds and controls of the game, and you get better and better, and you might even come up with some cheap tactics to win the game. Some players are extremely easy and fun to control while some are frustrating and complicated such as Donkey Kong, who doesn't use a bat, but uses a boxing glove to hit the ball.
Sometimes the controls don't quite respond the way you would want to which could sometimes make you REALLY frustrated. Other than that, its a fun little arcade style game, especially in multiplayer mode. I recommend you rent it first.