This game is quite frustrating at times, but is really fun.

User Rating: 9.6 | Super Mario Stadium Miracle Baseball GC
Mario Superstar Baseball is another mario sports game. it is the first ever baseball game in the mario sports series. It is quite different then other baseball games. When you pitch you can only throw left and right, the height of the pitch is not factored in, and when batting you move left and right in your stance according to the pitch. so if the pitch is inside you have to move out of the box a little bit to be able to hit it far. Mario Baseball has a very wide variety of characters from other mario titles. There are 32 characters in all. In challenge mode you take a team, and beat other teams while trying to beat star missions, and get scout flags to recruit other players from other teams. Once a character gets acomplishes all of his/her star missions, that character becomes a star. This slightly improves all there stats during an exhibition game. There are also some fun minigames you can play in challenge mode to get coins, or accomplish star missions. You can then use the coins to by items at toads store that improve your play. The only problem I've found with this game is that some of the star missions are VERY hard and mostly depended on luck. Overall a very fun game, also makes a pretty good multiplayer.