Second only to GoldenEye in terms of multiplayer gameplay.

User Rating: 9.3 | Mario Tennis 64 N64
Mario Tennis is, by far, the best sporting game the N64 had to offer. It had an extensive single-player campaign with over 20 characters to play with and 6 trophies to complete with each, as well as several mini-games. Mario Tennis also had a Superb multi-player gameplay, especially with you and 3 other friends. With a variety of characters with different styles of play, there was something for everyone.

I still play this on a regular basis on par with my PS2 and it still holds its own in terms of both quality and fun. Its a pick up and play type game, as its quite easy to learn but longer to master. I didnt play this for months but got back to my previous standard of play within a set of play.

Fantastic, a true classic.