I recently picked this game back up again and couldn't help but remember the hours of gametime spent with my roommates in college. It's simple enough for anyone to pick up and play, but embedded with enough little nuances to add a tremendous about of gameplay to advanced players. There are little bonuses scattered throughout each aspect of the game. Each character provides a personal style such as speed or power. Also there are a few unlockable characters to reward you. You can breeze though the single player tournaments in relatively short order, but it's the multiplayer where it shines. Due to it's arcade tennis style as opposed to a simulation, the quick matches are perfect for any "I've got winner" sessions.
Pros: Great gameplay - Simple controls - Favorite Mario characters - Several court types for multiple styles of play - solid graphics - Mini games surprisingly good
Cons: Even at the hardest level, it doesn't provide a challenge - Doesn't take long to complete the tournaments, really a multiplayer game - Really addictive
Mario Tennis for the Nintendo 64 is much like that same system's Mario Golf: it's fun; it's addictive; there are different ways to play; and just about anyone can pick it up and play. While Mario Golf took a large amou... Read Full Review
Mario Tennis is one of the best sports games for N64. It is a tennis game that adds Mario and all his friends and enemies into it. The game play is very fun and will keep you busy for a while. There is a branch system t... Read Full Review