A fun quirky title, that's somehow immune to losing its charm even after countless hours of gameplay.
With its intuitive stylus use, guiding the, "dumb as rocks" Minis from place to place is both fun and simple. Whether or not you lead your automaton legion into certain destruction, or march them onto victory, you'll undoubtedly have a blast toying with these little machine's fates.
There are plenty of levels, none of which are too difficult, though a few here and their will take a couple tries to get right. Collecting lettered cards in each level, to eventually spell out "MINIMARIO", will earn you a Mini game at the end of each floor (10 levels = 1 floor), though none of the mini games really compare to the main game.
The music is nothing special, but it's far from bad. It gets the job done, and has a couple nice beats. I'd have liked some more recurrences of classical Mario tunes, but it's nice to see Nintendo evolving its franchises, and not just recycling them. The Mini's make all kinds of whimsical little noises as you guide them through the toy utopia of Super Mini Mario World, but the best sound affect comes from putting your DS into sleep mode. This causes a random Mario quote to be played, my favorite being, "Hey, you come back'a here, you'a bi g monkey!"
As far as the visuals go, its a beautiful game. Aside from its bright colors and excellent artwork, the mechanized land of Mini Mario World brings back fond memories of Treasure's cult classic, Dynamite Heady. With its marauding wind up toys, artificial backgrounds and foregrounds ( think exposed I-beams and clouds held up by string), and clever level design, one could almost call it a fusion of Lemmings and Dynamite Heady.. and also Mario is there... Too much? Yeah I'll stop. There's even a great level creation mode, allowing you to build your own obstacle filled levels... or if your feeling evil, your own deathtraps to lead the helpless Mini Marios into.
Ultimately this game is well worth your hard earned money. After a quick glance through the built in help system (very well done), you'll be the lord of a metallic Mario phalanx in no time, DK dosen't stand a chance... But i think Magneto would.