Mario Tennis' first debute has busted Virtual Boy's gates wide open, filled with flair and fun.
Computer doubles partners are controlled with an overall pretty smart AI, that can sometimes make yourself feel like your letting your team down. Singles matches, as doubles matches also, both remain fun and frantic through any well matched game. When I say well matched, I mean a game where the difficulty is set just right, because you can lots of time find yourself smashing your opponents, or just being spanked by them if you’re not careful. Mario Tennis has an undeniable sense of action; it's really surprising what the game can offer fun wise, with out even having any other modes other than singles and doubles, exhibition and tournament matches for each.
Which brings me to the games really only short falling, the lack of features, and the fact you'll be able to work enough skill to beat the game on hard mode in around 7 hours of play or so, but that will not stop you from going back to experience the greatness that is this game's game-play. Can be played multiplayer, but it's so hard to find another person with a Virtual Boy, so it's almost rendered useless for every VB game.
Just amazingly addictive, even if you've mastered its short length. It's just is a different kind of experience for any gamer looking for that Virtual Boy classic. The must own for Virtual Boy, just below Virtual Boy Wario Land.