Despite a few aesthetics, Mars: War Logs can be a fun, immersive game experience.
I got a hold of this early through a connection, and my first impressions were mixed. The graphics look outdated and sloppy, but it added to the gritty nature and setting. You begin your story with a narrative from a prisoner named Innocence, (horrible name), and then soon find out you play as another prisoner named Roy Temperence (even worse name). Clearly the writing is subpar here, but the RPG style and fight combinations of the game keep it interesting.
The first 10-20 minutes consist of a few fights here and there, most notably with a fat guy that everyone keeps talking about. The exchange in dialogue is beyond cheesy and laughable. It sounds like the actors had 30 minutes to record their lines, and finished them in 15. Not only is the delivery horrible, but the voices themselves are completely mismatched and feel odd when placed with how the character looks.
There's an upgrade system and skill tree that many RPG gamers will find familiar and enjoy. Upgrading weapons and armor from found pieces of scrap and bought items will also be a nice challenge to those looking to upgrade with hidden goodies.
The game slowly opens in scope and plot, and soon you're planning a prison escape with the help of a few friends and guards around the prison you're being held at. I won't ruin any more of it for you, but don't let the dated graphics or bad voice acting sway you from playing this game.
It gets interesting quickly, and promises to be a great underground classic.