It could have been better!!

User Rating: 5.1 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects XBOX
This disappointed me on whole line.When I read other reviews I was so 'horny' on this game that I couldn't wait to play it.In the end it's just so medicore!If you thinking about buying it...I'm warning you,don't do it!
First of all the story mode sucks up big.It's boring and annoying, but you must get through it to achive rewards as characters,comics etc.
Why boring you ask?The story itself is so lame (ther's a lot about it in other reviews so i won't be writing about this here) but what's the worst, it's really boring.You repeat the same patterns on the same levels with different characters (with little exceptions) - so when you're doing the exact same thing for the f*&^ time you have enough of this.
Graphics is nice - probably the best point of game, character models are good looking, have nice animation but that's about it!The stages are not as good as they should be (and there is not many of them either).Sound is also ok, no major mistakes (IMO music sucks a little).
What's the worst about this game it's gameplay.You have ONE attack button (an X),and grabs (on B) - it's really dramatic (for me).I know that this game should be simple but to that level?The powers are also limited - three different types of attacks far,middle and from close (it depends at wich range you will youse your power,then the attack launches).Ther's also this insane damage from enviromental elements.
You know, to say the truth, the most important thing in a game for me is the fun that this game provides - this game is fun for about 10 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on multiplayer mode and your friends. I honestly don't recommend it to You, even if you are a Marvel universe fan. I can recommend it to you in only one case...when you played all the games on X-Box and this is the last one to check!