With a Marvel license and EA's own band of mutants, this wasn't worth anything from the bargain bin I found it in.
The story is simple, man with enough money to buy the world decides to take it over through force by using his own army of mechanized armies or a band of Imperfects, EA's take on the Marvel Universe. But in order for the man to take over the world, he must take on the mutants that are protecting the world. Sounds cool right? Well yeah but the game didn't really... do it well. Oddly enough for someone trying to take over the world, the mutants are so fixated on only saving New York City and forget the rest. The game only have somewhere between 5-10 arenas to fight in and their ALL poorly and ridicously designed! Especially for story mode which utilizes 3rd person controls that feel horrendously sluggish. You have only two attack buttons, the "hand to hand" button and the "powers" button. The hand to hand attack is you get combos or you get a different one if you hold the modifier button. The powers attack is unlimited but the amount of damage shrinks depending on how long you use your powers.
The power limitations were fantastic but the attacks are just extremely repetitive. The camera is so bad that you'll wonder if the camera is on the enemies side. For example, the single player missions baddies have some flying machines. When they come in, you can hear them but you'll have trouble finding them due to the poor camera controls. Another negative portion of the combat system is that you can't lock on to an enemy. You'll severly miss the lock-on system when the flying enemies come in because you'll be jumping all over the place trying to grab them and smash them. The issue with the lack of lock-ons is that when your throwing junk at the enemies. Sometime you'll overthrow, underthrow, or miss them by a mile. Did you know that THEY can lift cars and throw it at you too? Well keep on moving because the camera WON'T tell you that a CAR is about to smash you brains in!
Let's talk about the One-on-One combat here... it's so broken... it's frustrating. Let's take Wolverine Vs. Storm, we all know that Wolverine has claws and is only good for close quarters combat and Storm can control lightning and she's good for LONG range combat. Notice the broken system here? I spent nearly 30 tries to take down Storm in Wolvie's mission because I could NOT get close to her to lay some damage. She keeps throwing lightning and winds at me. It's just difficult when your facing a much more heavily advantaged opponent. It's broken and poorly designed.
EA's group of monsters, The Imperfects, are... let's say on the percantage scale, it's 30% good. One of the greatly designed character they've done was, Hazmat and Johnny Ohm. The poorly designed ones were, Brigade, Solora and Fault Zone. They looked cliche' since I've seen it all before and their powers were then and done over and over. But overall, their powers, attitude and styles didn't really save this game at all. It kinda made it worse, Johnny Ohm for example, really annoying powers and voice.
Don't get me started on the graphics please. The lightning system is so ****ed up in this game. Many of the REGULAR human's skin were REFLECTING like a damn mirror! That's all I'm gonna say about it.
Overall... stay the **** away from this game. I don't care if it's at the .99 Cent store... just stay... the... ****.... away!