Buy it now at the "Greatest Hits" reduced price. It's the ONLY super-hero game where you feel like a superhero
Actually some of the complaints don't really make sense to me. This is a fighting game. Now, to be honest I get bored with fight games pretty fast, so I look at this game more from an action adventure perspective. Since most fight games have just plain AWFUL story modes, I think the story mode in this one is much better - at least they mix up the objectives a bit so it gives you more variety. The main beef is that some of the story mode scenarios are just plain frustrating at first. Its a funny thing - there is such a fine line between "challenging" and "frustrating" but the definition is one is fun and the other stinks! The story mode is frustrating more because of lack of tutorials or explainations, or maybe pacing... but not really because they are bad. They just didn't present them correctly. More later.
Next is the fight mode, and the characters. The main flaw with this is more or less the same deal - poorly paced and presented. But there is an inherent structural flaw, and that is some characters are just weak. The venues are OK, nicely interactive (exploding cars and walls you can smash, etc.) but they do seem to be kind of repetive. So lets go right to the fixes.
1) Pace story mode better with better online TUTORIALS. Just a couple little segments where it explains what buttons to push to get a couple key attacks before you can continue would have worked wonders.
2) Allow all finished story modes to be replayed!! Once you get the key attacks down, you would love to go back and do those story modes again! But noooooooooooooo! You can't go back. Such an easy fix!
3) Add ANOTHER tutorial to versus mode. Maybe add a training robot opponent that detects what hero you are fighting with? Or some other idea that lets you get the hang of your character? 4) CHARACTER BALANCE! In the designers movie on the website he mentions something about deliberately not having players balanced? Not sure about what they had in mind, but in practice some of the characters stink, and this could have been fixed in a number of ways. My main example is STORM who is always one of my favorites - I guess I love those lightning bolts. It's the usual problem that she uses her "energy" for flying manuvers and so never has enough energy to be worthwhile. They always do this in these games and at this point it kind of ticks me off! JUST GIVE HER SLOWER ENERGY DRAIN! OR MORE ENERGY! OR AUTO RECOVERY! SO otherwise you learn to use her weak flying rush attack. So here you go, another flaw... the flying rush attack lifts you up a little bit so you MISS your opponent by flying over their head. Same problem with other characters like Human Torch, etc. So you get the idea - a few dumb flaws that should have been fixed after some play testing. 5) MORE OPTIONS
Each character has a normal mode and a "dark" mode. Just makes them look darker with voice modulation in the opening taunt. Really thin. Really lame. How about some real costume changes? For example, the STORM costume is just silly. I like to see scantily clad female superheros as much as the next guy, but with weird looking graphics, sometimes these outfits are just plain weird looking. Just give me an option, please. I mean, with storm she probably deserved about 4 options. Finally, how about actual POWER ADJUSTMENTS when you change certain outfits. Like shift the power of one attack to another whne you switch outfits. Like make the super-button attack combo weaker and beef up the super-grab combo... etc. So thats it. I hope that they will update this game and improve it. Buy the cheaper "greatest hits" version and bug EA games with your wish list. Maybe they will listen...?