Seriously underappreciated. Not as bad as they say.
Anyways, this game definately has it's downsides but it IS NOT as bad as they say. Sure there is only really two ways to attack and I don't know if it's just me but I find it extremely difficult to pull off the finisher. BUT, crashing and bashing your enemies through walls can be alot of fun. Sometimes they'll freeze for a second or two and reappear in a random place. That can get annoying but it's bearable. It's really easy to kill your enemies by repeatedly hitting the same buttons over and over again but if you want more fun you could use a combination of attacks like throws and using your specials.
Some things in the game are completely pointless like climbing, unless you REALLY want to climb a wall, you won't. It's also pretty hard to do that anyways. It's pointless to swing or block attacks or even do a finisher, but at least it looks cool. Flying can be used occasionally but you definately don't have to.
The characters play very similarly, but wolverine is pretty cool. Many people have said that the graphics are crap and look like they have just been slapped together and called a game. But that's not the case, I found the characters to be quite detailed and they looked pretty good considering it's DS.
Arcade mode is ok, it gets really repetative after awhile and you must first play the first mode which is short to aquire medium, which then lets you aquire long. You will get bored of the game before you reach long but if you do actually play it there are alot of things to buy with the points you get from each battle.
All in all, this game is not the best or worst game I've tried on DS. I wouldn't buy it with my own money so thank God I found it. I would suggest to rent it but there are better things to buy. Unless you are a die-hard marvel fan, don't pick this up unless you can borrow it from a friend. ( If you can find one who actually bought it.) I think it's definately worthy of a 7.5 but don't believe me, believe all the other people who rated it between 3 and s**t.