Near Epic Fail. This game manages to be boring, stupid, and frustrating all at the same time.
Though it has a decent rudimentary story holding it together, the missions you
will be performing are incredibly repetitive and boring. The main goal in
most stages is to defeat all the generic enemies, move to the next area,
and repeat. Enemies will respawn until some predetermined number have
been defeated, then suddenly you can move on. This means you may
stand in the same small area while beating on 40 or 50 of the same
generic foe, hitting the punch button over and over. While many of the
heroes have a ranged attack, the targeting system is horribly broken
and you're just as likely to shoot at your sidekick (or nothing at all) as
to actually hit an enemy. When you do finaly hit an enemy, you discover
the ranged attacks do less damage than punches. So you end up
punching your way through level after level.
The camera is also terribly inadequate, zooming around, not following
anything in particular. You'll often be looking the wrong way, or be partially
off screen, or have to face attacks you can't see. It is adjustable to a very
small degree, but even that usually stops at crucial points.
You have fliers and non-fliers, and that's about as far as the variety goes.
The battle mode is only slightly better, a simplistic fighting game using the
characters you've unlocked. To unlock most, you'll have to play through each
level 3 times or more. Nobody should be subjected to that kind of torture...
I beat this game almost through a sense of duty since I took the trouble to
obtain it. In closing, this game is pathetic, horrible, frustrating...
Do not buy it!