Step back from the first

User Rating: 5.5 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 PS3
First of all out of all the games coming out this year, this was on the top of my list of most anticipated games. Now it is holds the number one spot for most disappointing game of the year.

The first game in the series was one of my all time favorites, many of marvels greatest characters to play and enjoy.

In this game the character selection is still very good and on par with the first but thats about it. The depth in each character just isn't there each character gets 4 powers (downgrade from first) along with passive powers i.e increased crit, health etc.

Also each character has one alternative costume compared to three in the first one. You can easily unlock all the costumes after a play through of both anti and pro reg. But in this game the alternative costumes are just for looks in the original each costume had its strengths and weakness and had stats that you could upgrade.

Next are the glitches and there are plenty of them from the annoying simple ones that include auto point spending always being turned on, to bosses being glitched where you have to restart the fight.

One of my biggest negatives is the difficulty, the game was even far to easy for my brother (who rarely plays video games and is a complete noob) who came over and played it with me on the legendary and w e were using lower tier characters and yet the game was still a breeze he wanted to stop because there was no challenge at all.

Well the game had many negatives and many drawbacks to the first one it still did some things right. One is the new graphics engine while the graphics aren't going to win any awards they still do a good job bringing the game to life. There are also a lot more items to pick up and throw and more destructive environments then the first.

Another positive edition was the fusion system which was good but no great. Fusions were made out by VV to be the biggest thing that happened to the game. Unfortunately a lot of the fusions are very similar and you can fit almost all the fusions into a handful of categories. There was also a major problem with fusions which is that it took away solo play. This is going through the game just as one character now you can still kill off your ai partners and solo, but your left without a special move since fusions replaced that.

All in all my biggest gripe with the game was the replay value I had to force myself just to get the platinum and have no intention of playing the game again. Once you play through with both sides you'll have easily maxed out your characters level and received all the unlockables. The games easy difficulty doesn't make it fun to go back and replay. While the first game I still have many reasons play.

Overall the game is just a mediocre game, which by gamespots rating system is 5.0-5.5.

In conclusion I recommend to give the game a rent as through all the bugs and easy difficulty there is some enjoyment to be found just don't expect it to last long.