Not nearly as good as the first. Very disappointing
I bought this game hoping it would be as good as the first. Needless to say, I was disappointed.
I'm a big fan of comic books, Marvel and DC. I read the comic "Civil War" (which this game's story is loosely based off of). That was a good story. However, for some reason I cannot understand, the creators of this game decided to twist the entire story to fit their "original" take on the tale. Sure, some changes must be made to fit into a game format. This is expected and, usually, acceptable. However, when all was said and done, the remnants of Civil War that remained were "Cap vs Iron Man" and a couple of smaller things.
The nano thing was not in the comics. Yes, nanite-bots were used to control villains, but it didn't become a "hive-mind" or whatever it was in this game. There were many other gripes that I could state, but that would be redundant. So let's move on to the game itself:
The gameplay has been limited from the first MUA. There are no "special throws" for each character. You now only have four powers (excluding "Fusions." Get to that in a moment), when before you had a long list of powers, abilities, and costume-specific attributes. And I don't like that we only get two costumes per-character. It was cool when we had four to choose from.
Right. I said I'd get to the Fusions, so I will. First, yeah they're pretty cool, and they're usually helpful. But they lose their coolness after awhile. Especially when you notice that many of the Fusions are just copies of each other, looking a bit different due to colors.
The voice acting is horrible. Most of them sound alike, so it's hard to tell they apart at times. The voice acting in the first one was MUCH better.
Also, this is a next-gen game, correct? Then why did I prefer the graphics of the first MUA (on my PS2) to this one? The detail is enhanced some, but not too much. A lot of the characters (mainly Nick Fury) have extremely hard lines that make them look horrible. The cut-scenes weren't as good looking as they were in the first MUA.
The first game brought us to many unique locations in the Marvel Universe. This does not.
In every way, this is worse than the first MUA. No real improvement, except that the power-bar fills faster. That and the special effects (bullets, explosions, lasers, etc. etc.) look better.