An excellent action RPG for everyone!
The graphics are excellent and there's rarely any slowdowns even with all the carnage that can happen. The locations you'll be visiting are varied and are all interesting.
The sound is excellent with good ambiance music that picks up whenever there's a big confrontation going on. The voice-overs are great as well and there's a lot of it.
The controls work just like the X-Men Legends games but they are more refined this time around. It's easier and more fun to string up small combinations and unleash special powers. The way you level up has been streamlined and you can have it so the game automatically assigns new powers and equipment if you don't like that kind of stuff.
The story is decent and offers at least 20 hrs of game time. I wish the multiplayer would of been better. I had a hard time getting a game with 3 other persons that didn't had any lag.
This is a great game and there's a sequel in the works. I will check out the sequel for sure.