Marvel Ultimate Alliance is, what most comic fans like me would say, is a very good game. You can play as almost the entire universe of Marvel. Some favorites are Spider-man, Ghost Rider and The Hulk. You'll play through a very unique story stripped from a Spider-man comic. Not sure which, but it isn't all that brilliant. Ghost Rider is the best so far, that is until you have unlocked the other Marvel heroes and villians. What also makes it good is that fact that it runs smoothly on Raven Software, the people behind the graphically engenious Quake 4. It was nice for Activision to also make another great Spider-man-like adventure. Marvel Ultimate Alliance is much more better than Marvel Nemesis, which sold a loss for EA. Allas, it is time for this review to end. This is just your friendly neighbourhood reviewer!
Other Helpful Reviews for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
INTRO As a comic book fan especially X-Men and Spider-Man, I looked forward to playing this game. This review does not include any downloadable content available because I didn’t download them yet, I am waiting t... Read Full Review
By BammBammBamm | Review Date: Oct 28, 2006 | X360
This game is absolutely incredible. If you are or ever were a fan of Marvel at all you have to put your life on hold for a few days and mash your way through this adventure. 4 player co-op rocks. It's easily the best ... Read Full Review