Good times for comic book fans.

User Rating: 8.4 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
The Good:
- Lots of characters, plenty of unlockables.
- Chararcters do feel very different in battle.
- Fun comic book story.
- Fighting is pretty amusing.
- Game has a good length.
- A game I could see myself replaying multiple times.
- Great cooperative mode on the same box.
- Last boss fight is insanely fun. Wish the rest of the game was more like this fight.

The Bad:
- Combat is a little light on depth. I know its supposed to be an RPG but there really isn't enough itemization for that gameplay to work here. Feels like a brawler without a good combat system.

The Ugly:
- Occasional sound glitch.
- Some NPCs don't seem to know that what you have done, old conversations remain after you have done stuff related to them.
- Online games frequently desync. I have been unable to play past the 30-minute mark on-line.