That game doesn't worth a dollar.
User Rating: 1.6 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance PS3
I honestly can't belive that they made this game. It's terrible. Right now I'm on the mobile lab stage and it's so boring I can't go on and play anymore. I think that this game is only for people who like the Marvel comic books and want to play as their favorite heroes. The story is uninteresting and childish. The fighting is boring and it's the same thing over and over again. Even Untold Legends is better than this game. The boss fights are horrible, especialy that big green dragon. The grapichs suck. Comon, 1080p and it looks like this??? Honestly you have to be a Marvel fanboy to like this game. I think it's a waste of money and time. If you aske me....don't buy it. Rent it first and than if you really like it, than buy it.