The motion controls take some getting used too, but all in all it's still a great game.

User Rating: 8.4 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance WII
So it's an Action RPG. With Marvel Characters and story lines.
SCORE. Mostly.
You see, what we have here is quite a fantastic game, really.

But the motion controls take some getting used too and I can't help but think the game would be better enjoyed without - and had a 360 version been available here, I'd have done so - but I take what I'm given and this is what I've got. It's not really game-breaking. It just takes quite a lot of getting used too.

Graphics are alright, mostly. There are a few eyesores around, but nothing too major and the voice acting is what you'd expect from a game based on comics. Theres some pretty good VA in there, but some is cheesy as you'd expect - which isn't a bad thing for a game such as this, really.

It's a good game on your own, theres the odd path-handling issue with the AI but it's generally serviceable and they'll back you up adequately.
Of course the game shines in multiplayer, so if you can find another - preferably 3 people, this game'll be heaven for you.