Sad graphics, Game sometimes gets bugged worst on this system.

User Rating: 3.5 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance GBA
This game is not really exciting in the begging it's easy to get lost and i can't go past this one area since the game is bugged.
Graphics: Erm horrible and it can hurt your eyes. 3/10
Sound; Not good at all. 3.5/10
Gameplay: kinda fun at first but confusing or too easy. 5/10
Multiplayer: Lacks it none what so ever besides being diffrent characters. 1.5/10
Fighting: It's kinda easy but confusing and not much fun since each character does have upgrades and lvl's but it's boring after awhile. 6/10
Overall: I really suggest it on any other system but not this. Even if you are a huge marvel fan you could buy it but it's boring after even a little.... 3.5....