Why is beating up tons of bad guys so fun? I'll tell you why...

User Rating: 8.8 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
First let me say that this game suffers from being slightly underrated. I think it's right on that ledge where people usually make a decision whether they are interested or not. After renting this game I decided to buy it.

The game play is quite simple, "open up a can" on the bad guys. That's right, just endless beatdowns in this one. It's pretty easy too since there are only 2 attack buttons there's not much to remember. Special moves are used by holding the trigger button down which toggles all of your regular buttons into special move buttons. It is very hard to die in this game. The only time I died was when all of my guys "accidently" fell off a cliff. When one of your characters does go down he must wait a "cool down" period and then is revivable from any save point. While the AI is heavy on the dumb side and get in your way sometimes they actually make themselves useful and take down their share of bad guys. The game is nice and long at about 20+ hours. The game also allows up to 4 player co-op to take on the main story mode.

The visuals look great even for an "every console" game. The effects are nice as well.

While there are a large number of playable superheros I would have liked a few more of my favorites, but hey, when will there ever be enough. While there are tons of big name bad guys, there seems to be a theme toward the Fantastic Four universe. Most noticably you don't see any X-Men villians. Overall this game reminded me of the old X-Men arcade game which was pure fun. If you're a comic fan or even if you like Final Fight/Double Dragon style games this one is for you.