Awesome in-package, Xbox 360 game. If you bought a 360 without a game, this game will keep you busy!

User Rating: 8.5 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
When i bought my Xbox 360 and beat Halo 3, I had Forza 2 and M.L.U. to play. I wasn't into racers so I tried MUL, thinking that this game was a waste of time, i was quite surprized. At first, when i played the game, I still wasn't gonna go on. However, when I got past the the first part, the game started to really suck me in. Lets take a look:

Graphics: 8/10: For a Xbox 360 port, what do you expect. Well I didn't expect anything anyways.

Gameplay: 9/10: I have to admit: at frist the controls were difficult for, but once the games sucks you in to the awesome world of Marvel super heroes (I'm no comic-book geek but I do know little) with an orginal storyline featuring every super hero you know, its a pretty awesome experiance. Here's the thing: you choose your own team of 4 super heroes and they are "upgradable". It works really like a rpg. You even choose you ending depending on what side missions you do.

Music: 8.5/10: I was upset to find out i didn't hear some traditional marvel music, but hey i have my own soundtrack.

Value/replay value: 9/10: Again, when you 1st play this game, you won't think much of it untill you get deeper into it. The replay value is awesome. you could go back into the game and play several times over again.

Overall:8.5/10: Here's the deal, shockingly, I found this game more fun and more entertaining than Halo 3. I don't know why. Should you pick this game up alone if you bought a 360 earily, the anwser is no. There are just too many awesome games on the 360. However Microsoft was smart to bundle this game with the 360 pro/elite.