I thought that this was a pretty good Marvel game. That said, it is not unlike the previous Marvel "dungeon crawls". It is very good at allowing you to select your own team, and very forgiving when you are about to die, you can use the portal system to warp out and select some new team members. This makes the game a little easier than it could or should have been, but it was fun. The achievements were definitely the reason that I finished the game though. The story was good, but not compelling enough to finish without the points. The graphics were good, but nothing awesome. One of the worst things about the game was that when you mapped new powers to a button, it did not keep it. I was forever going back to re-map, thinking that I had one power when I did not.
This is a good game, but get it used or rent it.
Other Helpful Reviews for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
INTRO As a comic book fan especially X-Men and Spider-Man, I looked forward to playing this game. This review does not include any downloadable content available because I didn’t download them yet, I am waiting t... Read Full Review
By BammBammBamm | Review Date: Oct 28, 2006 | X360
This game is absolutely incredible. If you are or ever were a fan of Marvel at all you have to put your life on hold for a few days and mash your way through this adventure. 4 player co-op rocks. It's easily the best ... Read Full Review