Can this live up to the standards set by X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocolypse? Lets find out.

User Rating: 9 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
First and foremost, this review will be presented in the sense that you've play the first two X-Men Legends before for a decent amount of time (beat the campaign).

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance takes everything that was great about X-Men Legends and expands it across the Marvel Universe giving you what feels like a complete package. and it is. although not without its flaws however.

Story: This is by far the best story of the three games. I won't tell you anything but there is more than just one story going on a once and you really don't know the why's or what's until the VERY end. Excellent!

Graphics: The cell shaded look is gone!!!!! not that that's a bad thing but it's nice to see realistic-looking versions of our Marvel heroes fighting the good fight for a change. Every little details is presented in every hero, down to the stitching in Spider-man's costume or the silencer and scope on Deadpool's guns. The pre-rendered cut-scenes cound NOT be any better! They look as close to the real thing as possible!

Gameplay/Controls: Major flaw. This is one thing everyone else fails to tell you. The many combos from X-Men Legends (Triple Hit, Pop-Up, Knockback, Stun, Trip, 6-Hit, Double Hit) are gone except for four (Triple Hit, Pop-Up, Stun and Trip) and they are all simplified to three button combinations. THis means you'll be using the same four combos over and over again, although it's not a bad as it sound but it does hurt the game. However we do get a new upgrade in fighting, Grapple moves. Once u grab someone you can either punch 'em senseless or do a cool super throw.

Same good stuff like in XML. All-in-all, Yes it DOES live up to the standard of XML2. Lets hope Raven and Activision keep giving us more!