Few flaws hold it back, otherwise excellent.

User Rating: 8.2 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
First of all, let's say this: The bottom line is, if you like Marvel, and you like action/adventure games, you won't be disappointed. Ultimate Alliance delivers on every level imaginable and will not disappoint, even though some things might cause an annoyance.

As soon as you push that button to start story mode, if you were excited, prepare to be more excited. The intro cut scene is definitely one to remember, and totally psyches the player up for the game. The game is over-all pretty easy, and you get the hang of "punch kick punch" and using your special abilities pretty quick. Thing is, before you play, it would help to know the flaws in this game, because some are avoidable.

When you start the game, all your characters are set to automatically spend their earned experienced points, and also quip stuff as they please. As one of the most fun aspects about the game is to choose the skills and equipment you want, this can get annoying. You can turn this option off right off the bat, but what some people won't realize is that once you first get the chance to change team members, you must turn it off for every character individually, or you'll come back later to find your experience points already spent by the game on skills you didn't choose. That's one thing. The other thing, is that whenever in the character info screen, one wrong click of the "Y" button will spend all your points right away, as it turns that option back on, which can force some people to have to load game. Pretty sucky if you haven't saved in a while. Another thing is, many of the skills aren't described right by the game, and some are even just useless. It can be a little misleading sometimes.

The graphics are good, and rarely a little glitchy, you sometimes get stuck in places you shouldn't be, but the game fixes it pretty fast (ex: behind an object, or your teammates not being able/fast enough to follow you). The levels also tend to be a little repetitive in the way they look. The voice overs are great, but could be even better. Controls are easy and very responsive to most attacks and skills if not all, and game play is just plain fun.

The game also has a lot of fun extras, from trivia questions to a hilarious video of rejected voice over auditions. In cosing, I'll simply say, it's great game with lots of room to improve in future installments.