A fun game that will.. oh god here it gose.. Take U 4 a Ride... (all new players who don't have the game read this)

User Rating: 9 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X360
(Bare with me if you've played the old MvC2. I did not play the original)

I'm gonna skip the witty intro and cut to the chase, this game is AWSOME!A heavy amount of characters, colourful stages, and crazy moves that will leave noobs saying WTF! As far as Fighters go this one should be a role modle for others of the same genre.

Like all fighters, the ojective is to kill the opponent, or should I say Opponents! Yes you get not 1, not 2 but 3 characters to play as in the match! Now this team thing isen't layed out how most fighters usually do it. Yes you do press buttons to change to another team member but you can call in team members to do an attack, throw a guy or even heal the player curentally fighting. This is called an assist. Each character has 3 or more assists. The way you plan your players assist is easy, when you chose a character you get to chose there assist.

All characters are unlocked from the start, which i find disapointing. I tend to have fun playing to unlock new cool looking people but that's a minor setback to this game because of it's great replay value! Trying out new teams in practice mode alone is just about as fun as actually fighting! The arcade mode also has some replay value to it but it's difficulty may turn down new players. Your best shot is to play with your friends in Multiplayer.

Online mulitiplay mode is also a good mode with alot of replay value too! To tell you the truth, people online seemed easy to beat then easy on arcade mode when I was just starting! There are 2 different ways to go online with MvC2. You can do a ranked match where your wins and loses are recorded and automatically sent to a leader bourd where you can view where you are on it. Or you can play a Player Match, where it's all about fun! No wins or loses are recorded in this mode so don't sweat if your getting killed in ranked matches.

This game is too fun for words, and even the difficult learning curve for begginers shouldn't turn you down from this game, just keep training to be your best.

MvC2 gets a 9.0 out of 10 for me and a big recomendation of purchase!