This is what the fighting genre needs to be about. Fast, frenetic pace with many tactics at your beck and call.
The king of the franchise returns with an important fun addition. Playing people on-line. Those who thought they were the king can really test their skills. For those of us who play fighters to death this is the all important aspect. Really a chance to see who is best of the best. This has that.
The more important part. What are we looking at.
A fighting game of a dying genre. 2d fighting is on it's last legs. There needs to be really something special put forward to make a game stand out.
Graphics are lovely as they have always been with characters beautifully rendered and motions are appealing and winning.
Sound for each of the characters is still top notch and fun.
The Soundtrack is crap. Was when it was created. Still is now.
The three tag characters leaves you at an almost endless number of combinations. The support feature works well for the initial but in a more complex gameplay scenario becomes really repetitive. It's not fun anymore when you see Doctor Doom for the hundredth time doing his half screen hard to jump over attack. it's just annoying. But once again this is how the game was made and it's hard to question the judgement of the game writers when they tested the balance.
I do have one problem. The game has a weird flaw. Somecombinations means the opponent never hits the ground. A king win scenario kills the balance of the game. Unfortunately it's too late to fix. it's out on the table and really if they made it any other way the game wouldn't be as great as it is.
With all that said it is still the greatest fighting that is out there.