It not terrible but mvc2 isn`t a great fighting game and only the few hardcore fan will like this game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Modem Pack) PS2
So what can i say about the other mvc.X-men vs street fighter was thew first one,mshvssf improved it,marvel vs capcom was awesome but im been dissapointed in mvc2.The last game is just inferior to other game in the series and it expensive for nothing.

So okay do the game have a large roster.Yes.Do it replayable.Yes.But i feel this is more of a compilation featuring all character from previous game together along with few new ones.

My main issue is the balance of the game.Sure the vs series isn`t the most balanced but this game is between cheap or nearly impossible to master.

A exemple,some character are super strong like cable while other are pathetic mess that die before you defeat someone.Many times,your opponent can do cheap ass combo that you stand no chance to block if your hitted.The game is too much about what is the best team compared to previous game who as this^pick your favorite marvel and capcom character and duck it out^

In result,that ruin the game for me.And the replay value is so boring you never going to play and finish the arcade mode one hundred time.You need to unlock a part of the character.THIS is ****

Except those balansing issue and the stupid shop,it okay.You pick a team of three character and you fight other teams in the arcade modes.The problem is that most character for both side are either x-men or street fighter character and nearly no risk were taken to do a solid roster.It mediocre overall and only few interesting character were introducted.Hayato is a exception because he is nice to play.

The game play is good too but ruined by those balance issue that make the game frustating at time.The snap back is a interesting feature but they should have added move to turn the tide of the battle or combo breaker to make it better.The 3-on-3 feature is a nice one but with how lame the roster is,it almost wortless.

So i dont reccomand to get this game unless you want to forget marvel nemesis and i have to add wait for tatsunoko vs capcom instead.