The Best 2D Fighter To Exist!!
User Rating: 10 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes DC
It uses the Street Fighter mechanics, has an arsenal of Street Fighter, Capcom and Marvel characters. The moves/combinations are simple, the end result is devastating. You select three fighters and chose to either fight with one, have one assist or have all three on the screen at one time. Mastering 3 characters ensures the computer or a human opponet will be smashed under the mighty heel of your "Hadoken" or "Spinning Pile Driver". If you have ever loved or been comfortable with the Street Fighter series of games, you cant go wrong with Marvel vs Capcom 2. A team of Iron Man, Cable and Capt. Commando or what about the Sentinnel, Mega Man and Capt. America? This game is the best 2d fighter to exist despite recent attempts to reproduce the flavor and mechanics of this classic.