Now that i got the game (again) lets review.

User Rating: 8 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Modem Pack) PS2
Being able to crossbreed to of the most influential franchises in the world would be a step up in most peoples minds. Marvel world renown comic book franchise...and Street Fighter (with other capcom fighters) best days to spend hundreds of quarters at the arcade for.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 is suppose to be the arcade translation for the PS2. lets say...its an ok translation just wish it had 6 button and not 4 button fight buttons..... with is mass amount of characters to choose can never go wrong. Being able to fight as 3 characters instead of 1 makes a tag team worth while. MvC has the game mechanics from the vs series and keeps the formula for it.

I think the game itself is pretty long due to the extra content on the disk. i think you would have a great time if you like fighters. if it (if possible) or download it onto an emulator, or purchase the arcade cabinate. whatever it is....just make sure that you can enjoy the game while you can. don't overplay it and don't overuse it (scratches) but all in all its a game for fun and friends.