A classic game brought back to life once again by XB Live Arcade. Worth the 1200 points especially for online play.

User Rating: 8.5 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X360
A good pick up for anyone whos been a fan of these fast-paced 2D fighters of the past. Already a decent amount of online players & see it growing fast. Although the matchup system seems to need just a little more tweaking, I was waiting for an opponent just as long as I was playing a match (but that could be due to the fact that it just came out yesterday).
Only gripe I have with it is the fact that everyone is unlocked right away. Online I see this as good & fair, but in single player itd be nice to have something to strive for when your not feeling the online aspect at that time.
Plain & simple its a faced paced, light hearted, fun time that can keep you entertained for quite some time. It can't always be something you play for hours upon hours (for me anyways) but will for sure occupy my time quite a bit especially now being able to play a classic online with leaderboards & rankings.
Well worth the 1200 points!