Classic M vs C action... Decent all around fighter but replay value limited...
If your new to the series or not M vs C 3 holds up its prestigous rep built by the two previous titles of the series. Unique character art styles, crazy fighter combos and impressive back drops help propel M vs C 3 forward just like the previous titles of the series. I gotta admit I fully enjoyed pummeling any who stood in my way with dante or Magneto and could never get enough of pulling off crazy long combos with either one of them. But no matter how much fun I had flexing my finger speed on my ps3 pad I could never get past the feeling that M vs C 3 was just like its previous brothers and sisters and missing some vital component of some kind.
Sure the challenge is there, M vs C series can be very unforgiving for new gamers and its challenge is one of its major selling points. But I still say I've played better fighters. In my opinion all the fighters yes are impressive but they lack heart and soul. Your typical opponent can kill one of your characters under 5 seconds so a common match length is thirty seconds possiblely less if you meet a powerhouse online. So maybe thats why I feel the game is lacking, Every character has its strengths and weaknesses so unlike some fighters where you have only one fighter to handle, in M vs C you have three inwhich you can throw two away as expendible and hold one character as your draw back guy to fight to victory with. So instead of feeling that stressed I gotta block this punch or combo and smartly avoiding blows you can throw most of that away for speed and super move prositions until you are down to your last guy.
As a fan of fighters I just don't find a connection to the characters I fight with in M vs C. A aspect I find that brings the series down for me, inwhich makes me feel like even through the all around presentation of the series is very well done I just don't find it within myself that continues drive me to return to this game or any of the other games in the series as much as I do in other fighters such as mortal kombat or Blaze Blue.
So in the end if you feel like you are just like me and get emotionally attached to the fighters you use I say just rent this game out or wait until the game is discounted since the replay value is limited...