You'd think there was one incredible story behind this...But..
Damn good..But Using the MT engine is a tad overkill if you ask me. That engine is very powerful as far as gaming goes. Which allowed all these fancy graphics, blooms, explsions and shadows the fill the screen without any slowdown whatsoever. Its like playing a comic which I find to be very awesome.
It's good...Not great. Vets of MVC2 will have to learn a bit with all the remapping but overall it feels over simplified. Its nice that they want to introduce new players to the fighting game but it feels to easy to spam powerful combos. Luckly right now the ranked matches I've played have been "Gentlemen matches" With little cursing and more like "Oh no! I walked into that one." or "Alright, alright. Not bad but take this!" And for some reason someone appologized for using the same move more than 3 times in a row (I'm on the 360!! Kindness online is unheard of!) Which made me have hope for the future of gaming online.
Its fun but not as diverse as MVC2 they say they will release DLC over the next couple of months so I'm expecting to be nickle and dimed to death as my punishment for liking a popular fighting game.