Like Justin Bieber, its flash without substance!

User Rating: 5 | Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds PS3
Having spent a whole weekend playing this game online have had enough!

All I fight against are Sentinel and Dantes. Sentinel is cheap and overpowered. X-factor is more like scrub factor. Activate whilst losing means you get an increase in damage. Its ridiculous. You can mash your way to victory.

Many characters can win matches by spamming fireballs in the corner.

There is some depth in this game but online it doesnt count for much. Supers are way to easy to pull off and it becomes a mashfest.

Online netcode is better than SSFIV but that's about it. You cant see your opponent's connection until the match begins. Update after update after every match means you have to wait a while b4 finding another match in Ranked Matches. Its annoying. Player matches luckily have instant replay.

If you have SSFIV stick to that. MvC3 may be a different style but its still disappointing. Rent it first!