marvel Vs capcom fighting for all,exhausting for EYE.
this game is a real fun fighting sequence to the marvel vs capcom offers most of the
marvel along with the original capcom characters.
if you have played these types of game before,then you will know that ,you can choose a team of 3 on
each side and then fight until one team looses all their lives and dies.
there arent a lot of options in the main menu,there are only 4 options.if you dont have or use XBL or PSN, it can get a bit boring playing it alone.if you have someone to play the game with it would be more fun for sure.
as for the colors they will hypnotize you all the way until you stop playing it,and for this the game also gives a warning for flashing images .so dont forget you will see alot of
colors and lot of flashes in all these different levels that again and also in the background,this keeps the eye entertained and sadly you will get tired more easily.
there are seriously a lot of different characters for you to choose from,either from the capcom registry or marvel.for example you can find Chris Redfield,and Albert Wesker from the RE can also find Deadpool ,spider man,hulk and captain America along side the Marvel characters.
so you can choose alot of different combination for your 3 member team.
characters have not been built for you to say ohh that looks real,that was not the intention,but i can say that they have been modeled very good with some strange silver like reflection so that you wont mistake the characters with their original and to show that this is just a game that is based on the characters from both capcom and marvel.
each character has its own set of moves although you can get different moves for each character but the buttons are more or less the same. so if you learn a few combos then you can
expand that to another character to see another move or combo.
after you fill up a few levels of the hyper combo bar you can perform what is known as a hyper combo which looks like a specific move that you can only perform if you fill up the hyper combo bar to specific level.
it also seems that each character has its own set of voices,which i doubt is the original voice of that character.just something close to that character.yeah not the exact voice i think.
as i said before the levels are very nice but again they arent lifelike,and they try to be on the level of the characters not a realistic looking level,unlike like tekken levels which was a more realistic looking,its more of a 3d moveable levels but not real enough which suits all the characters no matter what they are.
you cant change the view of the levels because you can only move left or right.
i think there are only 3 types of costume you can choose for each character and thats it.
if you play the game you can obviously see that the costumes have been created based on the original characters but the other 2 costumes are i think a bit random i am not sure.
the bad:
the only thing i would say is bad in this game is the lack of more challenges maybe a few other modes would have made it more fun and enjoyable for the players.also i have something against the last boss which was really annoying.
what i think:
i think that this game brings a lot of pure fighting fun action to the player.although it is a lot flashy with all the levels and hyper combos and makes your eyes tired,but there is something about this game that forces you to play it mostly on single player and allows you to press so many buttons at the same time to reach a nice combo that you desire and wish for.
this game offers alot of variety and colors for you to enjoy,you might get a bit bored if you didnt play it online or played solo,but the game is very fun and entertaining and is pleasing for most,i would give it a 7.5 out of 10.
if you are a fan then save up to get this,if you are not a fan there is always other games ready for grab.