Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is an incredibly flashy, fun and kinetic fighting game, Just like the all serie of Marvel Vs Capcom

User Rating: 10 | Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds X360
The core mechanics for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 are at once fantastic, familiar and alien. The four main attack buttons have been remapped from two kicks and two punches to a set of light, medium, heavy and special attacks. Other notable alterations to fundamental controls include a common move to pop opponents into the air for combos, and a shift to calling in partners through the assist buttons instead of pressing punch and kick. It all sounds similar, but veterans will find themselves relearning many mechanics because of the changes. Ultimately the alterations help mature the franchise, removing needless complexity – the game has enough depth as it is.

The biggest change to the core game is the roster. Unlike its predecessor, which sported 56 playable characters, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 only gives you a roster of 36, four of which are locked when you start the game. While it's true that the basic format of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the same as before, the characters are largely different. Even the few who were also in MvC2 are different in subtle but significant ways. Combatants who seem to have no business in the game (X-23, anyone?) quickly prove fascinating. I found myself returning to them more than established veterans like Spider-Man and Ryu. Each character has its niche, and no two are alike. You'll never mistake Dormammu's ability to trap and manipulate player movement with the Hulk's more direct, physical style. Even characters that at first seem powerful, like Devil May Cry's Dante, fit well into the balanced roster.