A really good game... but where's the rest of it...?
But compared to the previous instalments of the franchise, there is a feeling of 'is that it?' and 'where's Gambit?' (or any of the other trillion characters missing from the second game)
The main fault I found with this game was the obscure character choices, yes Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and all the other Marvel movie franchised characters had to be there, we also had the Capcom big hitters Ryu, Dante, Akuma and Chris Redfield.
But why She Hulk? Modok? Arthur? When half the X men were missing, there were no Spiderman villains. Also Capcom characters like Vergil, Bison, Mega Man and Strider Hiryu were missing.
Also there was a lacking of anything other than button bashing the cr*p out of your opponents 'x' amount of times, get to Galactus in Arcade Mode, get hit by several over powered unblockable attacks, lose several times to him, down 100 cups of coffee, come back, save the world and watch a weak comic strip style video of your characters ending.
Story Mode and Arcade mode were the same thing.
No trial modes, or anything else worth mentioning besides a 'Gallery' of unlocked itmens and a stats screen.
This is all statements on the core game, DLC has been announced.
The multiplayer in it will last a life time, and pass several drunk (or sober) nights watching Iron Man slide tackling Arthur, throwing him in the air, and shooting him with his kick ass, chest cannon.
I don't like Arthur.