Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Is not the greatest game out there read my review to find out why
The only game modes to do are Arcade, Versus, Mission and Xbox Live the Mission mode is pointless it's basically asking you to do stupid button combinations to pull of a fighting move and you have to do this like 15 times each character. Versus mode is basically when somebody else is at your house and you have two controllers and you go head to head. Xbox Live has a few type of game modes but they are all really just the same head to head mode and The only one I go on is Arcade where you fight 7 lots of people then against the boss at the end I'm not going to tell you who I don't really give away spoilers
The only things I really admire about this game which makes it from a 3.00 to 5.5 is the layout, collectables and every characters special move is interesting the collectables are models, comics, art and more like that is worth unlocking also titles which you use online and the layout is set like a comic book strip which I think suits the games theme quite well
Thanks for reading I hope this explains the game well I give this game a overall of 5.5/10 so in one word this game is ok