Crap-hard game, but so much fun!

User Rating: 10 | Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds X360
First off, let me say this: this game will kick your butt, turn you around, kick you in the nuts, kick your butt again, and throw down a flight of stairs. Then, it'll bash you through a wall and punch out your teeth. It's just that hard. Also, unless your truly elite, don't even try going on multiplayer. I've spent countless hours training and I still get my butt kicked! On a positive note, though, this is a VERY fun and addictive game. All the dificulty really does is make you want to get better at the game. The controls are highly responsive and it is easy to execute special moves, the characters are great, the graphics are insane, and the multiplayer is incredibly hard but very easy to get into and addictive. One thing that makes the game unique among fighters is that you choose a team of three characters that you can swap out to let them regenerate some health. My personal favorite team is Sentinel, Hulk, and Felicia. Sentinal and Hulk are both tanks who can dish out and take a lot of damage, so they're great for wearing down your opponents health. Felicia is my favorite. She's the fastest character in the game and insanely sexy. I use her to finish off my opponents. She's a cat girl with cat paws, ears, and a tail, who wears no clothing but only bands of fur that only cover like 1% of her body (butt not included [:). All around, this is one of the greatest games I have ever played. My only regret is that they didn't include MegaMan.