If you're going to have a video game party, Mashed is a must!
But in terms of gamplay its ridiculously fun. Well whil i admit the single player mode is dissapointing (rather like the worms games) it is unmathced in multiplayer. I could easily spend hours playing mashed with a bunch of friends its that good. The powerups are also fun but not silly like in micro machins. I'm also a fan of the helicopter (which basically acts like the camera) in multiplayer mods. Although its just a standard camera, if you are killed during a round you can then us a homein missle to fire at the guy who killed you, sweet sweet revenge. of course its not easy to target with the weapon and it is dodgeable so its still all fair in th end. Overall mashd is wll worth a buy, eeven with reloaded out now if youu se mashed you should buy it, that is of course provided you dont already have it (in which case good) or you hav mashed reloaded.