The best gaming ... EVER... and I have been playing for over 20 years now! This is gaming's "Avatar"..
This game changes the field in terms of quality; story telling, visuals, and how it mixes this all together with RPG, shooters ... and just incredible immersion.
Mass Effect 1 - now played 3 times thru - was fantasic ; IF you got past the first hour or 2 of play... then you were "there" so to speak. If you pick up one "Platinum Hits" game this year - pick it up...
Do you need to play Mass Effect 1 to love #2? Maybe... it is clear that a lot of what you did in #1 ; translates into #2 ; more than is presently when you import "what you did and how you did it" from #1.
-- that's a heads up to current ME2 players...
Besides the overall quality of this game - which is film / real life like in many areas ... what makes this game "next gen" is YOU.
The decision you make ; how you conduct yourself - all have real implications on how the game plays, how situations develop or not ... and much more.
It is this element ; and how well it works that really makes this game next gen.
You can be a bad ass... inbetween... a really good guy. And all this translates directly into the gaming experience.
You are there. There is no question. The characters are human. You are human - you treat them right
and they will react... you treat them badly... and ...
You treat them really well - well - no spoilers here.
I have been playing games now for over 20 years... and this the one
I have been waiting for.
Like KOTOR , "Avatar" , Gears of War, Need For Speed Most Wanted and Halo - this is a game changer.
Expect to play this game for at least 30 hours - first time thru.
These may be the most thrilling 30 hours ever in a game.
Keep in mind ; decisions affect the plot in many ways... so next
time you play it... could be completely different.
That is real replay value.
FYI - Mass Effect 1 has THREE different endings.
"Awe inspiring" just does not do this game justice.
They got EVERYTHING right in this game.
10/10 - just is not high enough.
Go get it now... and experience next gen gaming and entertainment.
Keep in mind this is game #2 of a trilogy.