This game is amazing!
When Mass Effect 1 first came out I didn't give it much attention but ended up buying it one day because it was cheap. And my face was in awe for the whole time I played it. It was unbelievable to me, extremely good.
Now that I got Mass Effect 2 a few days after it came out - I have not put down the controller. It's awesome! You and up playing it at 3am waking up your family by screaming 'NO F***ING WAY!!! AWESOME!!!'. And yes, I actually did that. Except the part where the family wakes up. Early on in the game some of the most notable characters make nice lil' cameos which I really enjoyed.
I really like what they did with the powers too, I feel like I'll be playing this game through at least once with every class to see how cool they are.
Now, or all the perverts out there, romance. I'm really happy about the romance in this game. You have four people to hump! Four people! Shepard, you lucky son of a mother duck.
So yeah. Buy this game. I'm serious. Log off, turn the computer off, walk out of you house and into the nearest game shop and buy this unbelievable game. You won't regret it. Well, you might regret it a bit after your wife leaves you but don't worry! You still have Miranda!