This game will have a Mass Effect.
-Better Dialog. And when I say better I mean that you will rarely get the same thing to say if you choose a different dialog. For instance, in Mass Effect if you said A to a stranger you would say A. If you said B to a stranger you would say B. If you said C to the same stranger you would say A....A...I didn't pick A I picked C WTF?! Well no more. This has a wider range of dialog.
-I get to fly the ship?! NO WAY!! Sadly it's not as fun as it sounds. No ship on ship battles that you can control. But at least it's more amusing than just choosing the destination and having Joker fly you there.
-New people. Am I going to regret this? Of course not. These new people are all very deep. You'll be helping all of them out, if you choose to, at some point in the game. Let me warn you now, every crew members family is messed up like the kind that you would be scared to have dinner with in real life.
-Wait, does that mean I don't have to help them out? Of course not. If you do however you gain loyalty and some characters don't like eachother. So if you're loyal to one person you might end up being unloyal to another like in real life.
-So does loyalty have anything to do with the game or is it useless? Far from it and in the end you'll figure out why :P.
-And if...I'm sorry I got interrupted like how you can interrupt people when they talk in the game. Yup if you right click or left click in the appropriate time you can actually interrupt characters during their long, boring, dreadful speeches. Boy I wish we had that with the "Keep The Line" Commander.
-I messed up my characters face. Well now we're in the future and we have surgery to fix that ugly face of yours. Yup you get to choose to either stick with the face or make a brand new one.
-The past is brought up in this game so you better make your playthrough on mass effect 1 be the playthrough you want to be nagged about later.
-Didn't like only have two choices in the love life in Mass Effect 1? Yeah me neither. I found other characters to be hot like Tali. I bet some girls fantasized of doing Garrus. Well guess what. Almost every crew member in Mass Effect 2 is doable. That's right, more options for love and more ways to catch a foreign STD. YAY!
-Missions. What?! They're a con?! How?! I can't tell you how many missions I've gone where I thought, "Hey haven't I done this s*** before?" Yes, I have. And no I can't go back in time. Most of the missions are the same but on different planets.
-Oh man scanning was so useless on the last game. Guess what! It's not anymore. You upgrade your ship, weapons, armor, etc using minerals found in scanning. But now it's not a click away. You have to find the minerals using your scanner which is a time consuming process.
-So if I scan them using my scanner, does the exclude all those missions where I have to land on a planet? Nope there are still few missions where you land on planets. And when I mean few I mean about 3 or 4 side missions (not including loyalty missions) where you land on planets.
-Too easy to beat with the right people. What do you mean? I mean that I'm able to be over powered right at the beginning of the game. How? We all use biotics now. We're all drug lovin' biotic using soldiers. Not really a bad thing but with everyone using biotics, it kinda makes the enemies easier to kill.
-The past. Wait I thought you put that as a pro? Well the past is rarely every seen in the second game. Just a few people saying oh good job killing *Censored* and Oh man you remember me I'm *Insert past name here*. I'm disappointed by the lack of quests that I didn't receive from the people I met in the first game.
The New:
-Look at the face! The face! All I'm saying.
-So where are all my missions going to be? Most of them are going to be on a separate ship that you have to board. This is easier because when you're done you just hold down a button and you can automatically board the Normandy again.
-Don't like the shoes? Change them. Don't like the helmet? Change that too. Yes my friends. Now you can change different parts of clothing (unless you're wearing a set armor). So if you want to wear a ridiculous helmet, amazing chest, ugly shoes then go right ahead.
-Am I going to be having to put 27 points to fill up one skill? No, each skill takes 10 points to max. Each one has a 1 exp cost, 2 exp cost, 3 exp cost and 4 exp cost that don't stack up. So if you have 1 exp on fire you still need 2 more exp to rank up to the 2nd level of fire.
-Did I mention the fourth level of every skill splits up? You get to choose whether you want to have an overpowered skill that will blow you're mind, or one that can affect a range of enemies. Of course not all affect the power or range of your attacks, some just increase health or weapon damage.
-No more of that admiral telling what to do. You get your own personal sexy secretary who seems to swing both ways. She'll inform you when you have a new message so that way you can go to your terminal and read them in private ;) Oh crap did she see my Naughty files?!
So what is my judgement on Mass Effect 2? Well the verdict says it's a 9.5. Still missing that .5 to make it a ten. But what is it? Well it's the fact that the game is too simple with the right people and the past rarely did affect the second game. Overall it is a good game I would recommend it to anyone that likes shooters and Role Playing Games. I've played the game for more than 40 hours and still enjoyable except for the scanning, but I don't mind that at all. Happy Gaming!