Combining bionic powers and guns, for an addictive RPG game, where choices define your character.
From the story/plot to the gameplay, this game really creates a fun atmosphere where satisfaction lies in headshots and burning enemies alive.
The upgrades and research system proves to be very inciting, encouraging the player to seek out new weapons and upgrades that that you can improve your armor, weapons, health, and even your bionic powers.
Leveling up your whole party at the same time removes the need to only pick the best, as they end up all being equal in the end.
Also, you can have extremely fun encounters when being able to pick paragon/renegade actions (based on your moral decisions earlier in the game).
Finally, at the end of the game, waves and waves of enemies won't stop you from reaching your goal, since you have probably done way to many quests to give up now :D.
Dialogue runs in circles sometimes, and conversations get very awkward. SPACEBAR is your savior to skip through some of the lines, although dialogue is very interesting the first time you hear it.
Many missions span over long distances, and even at running speed, somethings it becomes unbearable. Sometimes it almost seems pointless why Bioware decided to place someone on the other side of the city in some really dark corner, other than to prolong the game.
The puzzle games you play, may seem fun at first, but get horribly painful, and by the end of the game, you try and avoid them as much as possible (especially since you have already done about 200 of them).
Saving in this game is crucial, as when you die, you only get revived at the last save (which may be hours ago).
Obviously, Bioware makes this even more difficult since you can only save while not engaged in a battle. So this pretty much forces the player to camp out behind random objects until the way is safe, rather than the classic rush towards the enemy side.
This game is really raises the bar for shooters and RPG alike.
Cannot wait for Mass Effect 3!