'no other game grips you so emotionally and leads you into a stunning epic ride across the galaxies..a must have"
1. story- the story of mass effect 2 is simple.you have to destroy the collectors,in order to do so you are genetically recreated after the happenings of mass effect 1 by cerebrus,an organization and reassigned back as commander of normandy.you have to assign and make a team to fight the collectors as they call it the suicide mission.most of the missions are to assign various comrades and then do specific tasks for them so as to gain their loyalty or loose them as your actions lead.then when you are fully ready go for the final attack.
sounds simple.but this story amazingly and realistically takes you through an epic journey across many galaxies,different planets with different climates,environments,enemies,big battles,tasks,where you use your strength,charisma or simply your brains.to get the loyalty of all your comrades aint easy,all of them are from different species,they have specific demands and gaining their trust is hard and yet once you have them you feel rewarded.
the adrenaline pumping final mission is a treat to next generation gaming and unpredictable endings give the boost.
2. grpahics-stunning visuals and great physics give it the required originality
3. sound-absolutely amazing
4. gameplay- more action,less complicated rpg elements,easy upgrades,one hell of a story driven gameplay, conversations, characters, locales, are all well made and crafted to perfection.
5. re-playability- certainly replayable and can only be explained once you go through the experience.
this is one game you can blindly buy and play,its a wonderful treat to any gamer and a must have.cheers to the developers.