Fall from space, die, turn in to the 6 million dollar man, kick some alien ass and make a few new friends alone the way.
The story has more weight to it, in that key decisions you make will either save you and kill you in the end. It's not just the decisions you make in cut scenes or in talking with people, it's the updates you make to the ship that can get you killed or spare your life. That detail may go by most players as a small thing, but in the development of the game an upgraded ship is a big thing. The decisions you do make with people range from small to big, from a hand on a shoulder to a bullet round hitting an explosive barrel. Loyalty is the key to the game, either you go for the saint of the tyrant, you need people on your side. While is fun to be bad, it is also rewarding to be good.
The graphics are outstanding, and only get better when played in HD. The small facile movements are incredible, and grab your eyes attention.
Sound is great from the sound of gunfights to the foot steps to the distant wild life on a alien planet, there is no where that sound is not heard, expect the vacuum of space, but that only happens at the beginning of the game. Under sound I'm putting music, and the scores in the game are beautiful to listen to. The difference from a peaceful scene to that of a bloody shootout is accented by the music being played. There is nothing better then stopping in the middle of the action just to listen to a phrase in the music being played.
If the third installment is anything like this, then the trilogy will be up there with Metal Gear Solid, Zelda, Call of Duty and other great story hierarchy. Mass Effect 2 is a game that should not be missed, by fans of the first game or by people looking to step in to the Trivers for the first time.